Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pillows & Flowers

More Boutique stuff...


Tiffanyann said...

so sorry that i am a blog stalker but when andrea told me she showed you how to make bows and about all of your cute creative stuff I had to take a look!! Good luck at the boutique, your stuff is sooooo cute!!

Tiffanyann said...

oh i am andreas friend in WV.

Mole said...

Wow you took that idea and ran with it like the wind. lol I wish I had just a tiny bit of your enthusiasm for that stuff. The pillow is seriously adorable.

Andrea and Nate Tracey said...

Wow I totally want that pillow!! LOVE it!! Your stuff is soo great!

Heather said...

Do you have a secret to learning "time management"? If I sit down to do anything crafty my kids are hovering right over me and getting into everything. Seriously, how do you do it???? Do you sleep? Good luck with the boutique!!